Married to Nitzan and mother of 3, Shimrit lives in Pardes-Hanna Karkur. After being a summer Shlicha in Richmond, VA, more than 20 years ago, Shimrit returned to P2G as Programs Coordinator and quicly felt home with friends and family in Israel and in our Jewish communities. Most of the time you can find her hiking or going down from cliffs.

P2G Talk Show
With Suzie-Emuna
In the timewhen we are dealing not only with a global epidemic but also with major awakening of inequality, racism and anti-Semitism, this first Talk Show we host Suzie-Emuna from Hadera. Suzie is an incredible educated woman of Ethiopian descent that chose to share with us her life story, growing up as a colored minority in Israel. Her inspiring life story is revealed before us with the professional and sensitive help of Daniel Staffenberg, CEO and Sara Rosenbaum, Director of Community Impact and Planning from the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond.
With Israel Kassif
Israel Kassif - composer and music producer and director from kibbutz Mishmarot in Menashe Regional Council, talked about the "Voice of the Angels" קול המלאכים, a music center that operates various projects for the well-being and empowerment of children with Downs Syndrome. Through the work that is done in the center, Kassif says we convey the message and give equal opportunity for all children to dream. Equally.
With Shay Felber
An open conversation with Shay Felber, Vice President, Aliyah, Absorption & Special Operations at the Jewish Agency, about the dilemmas and obstacles he is facing in addition to his successes.
The conversation will be facilitated by Eric Stillman, Chief Executive Officer at the Jewish Federation & Jewish Foundation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee.
With Tal Cohen
Tal’s experiences as an Israeli athlete who came to the United States to play basketball. Hear about his journey living the American Dream and about the choices he made to raise a family and engage in the Chattanooga Jewish community.
Tal Cohen is interviewed by Michael Dzik, Executive Director of the Jewish Federation of Greater Chattanooga.
With "Krembo Wings"
“Krembo Wings” is a unique Israeli Youth Movement for children with and without disabilities which first opened in 2009 with 8 branches and 273 members. This movement has become a leader in social change by engaging children and youth with and without special needs, thus contributing to increased awareness of special populations and social accessibility.
Stav Brener the Community Shaliach to the Northeast Florida Jewish Community interviews Adi Mozer, International Resource Development Director at Krembo Wings.